What’s Wrong With Them?

2 min readJun 30, 2021

By: Ninthujah Suthaharan

What’s wrong with him

Living in this world, isolated from others

Imprisoned by his own shadows, they say he got nothing to offer

His PTSD got him traumatized forever

But why weren’t they there for him?

They left him alone to suffer

Now all he has, is his one and only identity

Destroyed by other’s thoughts, it turned into his #1 enemy

Flooded by unbearable fears, day by day

What better solution is there,

Other than to fly high away

So what’s wrong with him?

What’s wrong with her?

She’s too scared, she got OCD

Stay away from her, or you’ll never be free

Why did she get diagnosed

For something she didn’t have

Now she’s left out, from everything that she should’ve had

Nothing but negativity has surrounded her

Talented yet trapped

From all the applause, from all the claps

Judgements, terrible judgements, for the way she acts

But did they ever realize, they were the reason for all that

So what’s wrong with her?

Can’t they understand, that we’re all human beings

Our disorders shouldn’t define us,

but why does it still take over us

Like a venomous snake bite, it slowly starts to kill

Words and words, 100 hateful words,

Destroy us like a painkiller but in reverse

Everyone should stop with the belief of normal

Because what is normal in a world that’s abnormal

We need to understand true beauty is on the inside, not on the out

So lets make a change, so it’s not flipped around

So what’s really wrong with him or her

Nothing is wrong

Everything that’s wrong

Is in the mindsets of others

